Highlighted Projects

Títol: Statistics for Health Sciences: Advances in Survival Analysis, Clinical Trials, and Statistical Modelling (SAFARI)

Finançat per: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Període: 01/09/2024 - 31/12/2028 .

Investigadors Principals: Dr. Klaus Langohr - Dra. Guadalupe Gómez Melis.

Membres equip d'Investigació: Mireia Besalú, David Blanco, Marta Bofill, Martí Casals, Jordi Cortés, Daniel Fernández, Núria Pérez, Xavier Piulachs, Cristian Tebé.

Membres equip de Treball: Nora Amama, Werner Brannath, Erik Cobo, Urania Dafni, Laia Egea, Pau Esteve, Jimena Fernández, Jordi Ocaña, Natalia Pallarés, Martin Posch, Konstantinos Sechidis, Andrea Toloba, Sonja Zehetmayer.

Quantitat atorgada: 200.000€

Resolució: aquí


Finançat per: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Període: 01/06/2020 - 31/05/2024 (Extended up to 31th December 2024)

Investigadors Principals: Dra. Guadalupe Gómez Melis, Dr. Alex Sánchez.

Membres equip d'Investigació: Mireia Besalú, Malu Calle, Martí Casals, Sergi Civit, Erik Cobo, Jordi Cortés, Daniel Fernández Martínez, Guadalupe Gómez, Klaus Langohr, Ramon Oller, Nuria Pérez, Ferran Reverter, Roser Rius, Miquel Salicrú, Alex Sánchez,  Esteban Vegas.

Membres equip de Treball: Yovaninna Alarcón, David Blanco, Marta Bofill, Pablo Flores, KyungMann Kim, Eduard Molins, Joel Muñoz, Jordi Ocaña, Oleguer Plana, Marta Vilaró

Quantitat atorgada: 160.809,00 €

Resolució: aquí. 

Title: Dynamic evaluation of COVID-19 clinical states and their prognostic factors to improve the intra-hospital patient management (DIVINE)

Funding: Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR)

Period: 14th May 2021 - 13th November 2022.

PI: Dra. Guadalupe Gómez Melis


  • UPC: Erik Cobo, Jordi Cortés, Daniel Fernández, Leire Garmendia, Guadalupe Gómez, Klaus Langohr, Nuria Pérez, Xavier Piulachs
  • UB: Mireia Besalú
  • IDIBELL: Gabriela Abelenda, Jordi Carratalà, Cristina Gudiol, Pilar Hereu, Gemma Molist, Natàlia Pallarès, Alexander Rombauts, Cristian Tebé, Sebastià Videla

Amount: 280,268.55 €

Resolution: here 

Research proposal: here

Project summary: here

Rector letterhere

Published papers:

  • Pallarès, N., Tebé, C., Abelenda-Alonso, G., Rombauts, A., Oriol, I., Simonetti, A. F., Rodríguez-Molinero, A., Izquierdo, E., Díaz-Brito, V., Molist, G., Gómez Melis, G., Carratalà, J., Videla, S., & MetroSud and Divine study groups (2023). Characteristics and Outcomes by Ceiling of Care of Subjects Hospitalized with COVID-19 During Four Waves of the Pandemic in a Metropolitan Area: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Infectious diseases and therapy, 12(1), 273–289. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40121-022-00705-w
  • Cortés Martínez, J., Pak, D.,  Abelenda-Alonso, G., Langohr K., Ning J., Rombauts A., Colom M., Shen Y. & Gómez Melis GSARS-Cov-2 incubation period according to vaccination status during the fifth COVID-19 wave in a tertiary-care center in Spain: a cohort study. BMC Infect Dis 22, 828 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-022-07822-4
  • Garmendia Bergés, L., Cortés Martínez, J., Gómez Melis, G., & DIVINE project (2023). MSMpred: interactive modelling and prediction of individual evolution via multistate models. BMC medical research methodology, 23(1), 126. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-023-01951-3


Submitted papers:

  • Piulachs X, Langohr K, Besalú M, Pallarés N., Carratalà J., Tebé C., Gómez Melis G. A Semi-Markov multistate approach for combining multicohort data: Application to COVID-19-hospitalized adults from three waves. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.
  • Fernández D., Pérez N. & Molist, G. Patient profiles within and between four waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Barcelona metropolitan area: A clustering approach. PLOS One. 

International conferences:

  • Second Order Markov multistate models applied to COVID-19 cohort data. M. Besalú, G. Gómez Melis, K. Langohr. International Biometric Conference. Riga, 10-15 July 2022.

  • COVID-19’s incubation time period by vaccination status. G. Gomez Melis, J. Cortés, G. Abelenda-Alonso, A. Rombauts, D. Pak, Y. Shen, K. Langohr. International Biometric Conference. Riga, 10-15 July 2022.

  • A semi-Markov multistate model to compare hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the first three waves in the Barcelona metropolitan area. K. Langohr, X. Piulachs, N. Pallarès, C. Gudiol, C. Tebe, G.Gómez. International Biometric Conference. Riga, 10-15 July 2022.

  • Identifying patient profiles in a multicentre and multi-cohort study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients from the Barcelona region. D. Fernández, N. Pérez, G. Molist, E. Cobo. International Biometric Conference. Riga, 10-15 July 2022.

  • Predicting interactively the evolution of hospitalized COVID-19 patients using multistate models. L. Garmendia Bergés; J. Cortés Martínez; G. Gómez Melis. International Biometric Conference. Riga, 10-15 July 2022.

  • A multi-state model to analyze hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the first three waves in the Barcelona metropolitan area. A. Rombauts, C. Tebé, X. Piulachs, M. Besalú, G. Abelenda-Alonso, I.Oriol, A. Francesca Simonetti, E. Izquierdo-Tugas, J. Carratalà, K. Langohr, G. Gómez-Melis. ECCMID 2022. Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 April 2022.

  • Differences in patient characteristics and outcomes during pandemic waves and according to vaccination status. A. Rombauts, G. Abelenda-Alonso, N. Pallarès, M. Colom, A. Pérez-Picans, B. Cobo, L. Serrano, G. Molist, G. Gómez-Melis, J. Carratalà, J. Cortés. ECCMID 2022. Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 April 2022.

  • SARS-Cov-2 incubation period according to vaccination status: preliminary results from a survey during the fifth COVID-19 wave in a tertiary-care center in Spain. G. Abelenda-Alonso, A. Rombauts, K. Langohr , M. Colom, J. Cortés, C. Tebe, D. Pak, Y. Shen, J. Carratala, G. Gómez-Melis. ECCMID 2022. Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 April 2022.


National conferences:

  • Dynamic evaluation of COVID-19 clinical states and their prognostic factors to improve the intra-hospital patient management. Tebé C., Gómez G. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • A multi-state model to analyze hospitalized Covid-19 patients during the first three waves in the Barcelona metropolitan area. G. Molist , X. Piulachs , G. Abelenda , A. Rombauts , N. Pallarès , K. Langohr , C. Tebé. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • Cluster analysis applied to COVID data: a study of the patient’s characteristics and disease outcomes. D. Fernández, N. Pérez-Alvarez, G. Molist, E. Cobo. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • COVID-19’s incubation time period by vaccination status. G. Gómez Melis, J. Cortés Martínez, G. Abelenda-Alonso, A. Rombauts, D. Pak, Y. Shen. K. Langohr. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • Interactive modelling and prediction of patient evolution via multistate models. L. Garmendia Bergés; J. Cortés Martínez; G. Gómez Melis. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • Non-Markov multistate models applied to a cohort of COVID-19 patients. M. Besalú, G. Gómez Melis. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • A semi-Markov multistate model for in-hospital survival to examine the covid-19 vaccine impact in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Xavier Piulachs , Klaus Langohr, Natalia Pallarès, Gemma Molist, Carlota Gudiol, Cristian Tebé, Guadalupe Gómez. XVII Spanish Biometric Conference. Madrid, 25-27 Mayo 2022.

  • A trip through the most common (or not) graphical representations in the multistate models. L. Garmendia Bergés; J. Cortés Martínez; G. Gómez Melis. JEDE, Almería. 28,29 octubre 2021.

  • Interactive modelling and prediction of patient evolution via multistate models. L. Garmendia Bergés; J. Cortés Martínez; G. Gómez Melis. JSEB, València. 14-16 Setembre 2022.

  • DIVINE: Dynamic evaluation of COVID-19 clinical states and their prognostic factors to improve the intra-hospital patient management. G. Gómez-Melis, C. Tebé. SEIO. Granada, 7-10 Junio 2022.

  • Second Order Markov discrete multistate models: COVID-19 hospitalized patients’ case of study. M. Besalú, G. Gómez Melis. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • A semi-Markov multistate approach for combining multicohort data: Application to COVID-19-hospitalized adults from three waves. X. Piulachs, K. Langohr, M. Besalú, N. Pallarès, J. Carratala, C. Tebé, G. Gómez. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • COVID-19’s incubation time period by vaccination status. J. Cortés Martínez, K. Langohr, G. Gómez Melis. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • A walk through the DIVINE project with a focus on partially vaccinated Delta-driven Covid-19 patients. G. Gómez Melis. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • COVID-19 patient profiles over four waves in Barcelona metropolitan area: A clustering approach. D. Fernández, N. Pérez, G. Molist. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • Remdesivir: An Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting analysis from a multi-center cohort study. C.Tebé. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • Characteristics and outcomes by ceiling of care of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 during four waves of the pandemic in a metropolitan area: a multi-center cohort study. N Pallarès, C Tebé, G Abelenda-Alonso, A Rombauts, I Oriol, AF Simonetti, A Rodríguez-Molinero, E Izquierdo, V Díaz-Brito, G Molist, G Gómez Melis, J Carratalà, S Videla. Covid-19 in Euskadi and Catalunya: dealing with a pandemic from a biostatistical perspective. Bilbao, 9-11 November 2022.

  • Semi-Markov multistate models to analyze the disease progression of hospitalized COVID-19 patients during the first three waves in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Klaus Langohr, Xavier Piulachs, Natàlia Pallarès, Carlota Gudiol, Cristian Tebé, Guadalupe Gómez Melis. XIX Conferencia Española VIII  Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometría CEB-EIB 2023. Vigo, 27-30 June 2023.

  • Inference under a second order Markov model. Guadalupe Gómez Melis, Mireia Besalú Mayol. XIX Conferencia Española y VIII  Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometría CEB-EIB 2023. Vigo, 27-30 June 2023.


During the project, the web app MSMpred to fit Multistate models and to make predictions with them was developed: https://www.grbio.eu/pubs/MSMpred/

Títol: 2021 SGR 01421: Grup de Recerca en Bioestadística i Bioinformàtica (GRBIO)

Finançat per: AGAUR. Departament de Recerca i Universitats (Generalitat de Catalunya.)

Període: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024 (Extended up to 30th June 2025).

Investigadora Principal: Dra. Guadalupe Gómez Melis.

Membres equip: Yovaninna Alarcón, Concepción Arenas, Mireia Besalú, Ferran Briansó, Erik Cobo, Jordi Cortés, Laia Egea, Daniel Fernández Martínez, Pablo Flores, Guadalupe Gómez, Klaus Langohr, Carolina Millapán, Toni Miñarro, Toni Monleón, Jordi Ocaña, Francesc Oliva, Natalia Pallarès, Nuria Pérez, Santiago Pérez-Hoyos, Xavier Piulachs, Ferran Reverter, Roser Rius, Miquel Salicrú, Carles Serrat, Alex Sánchez, Cristian Tebé, Andrea Toloba, Esteban Vegas.

Quantitat atorgada: 40.000 €

Resolució: aquí.