SEMINAR: Writing your first research proposal

Apr 11, 2018

During this seminar, we will start by reviewing the academic career path from your PhD thesis until tenure, and what being a “postdoc” actually means. The session will provide you with tips on how to apply successfully to open positions, which usually implies preparing an academic CV, motivation letters, and most importantly, devising a full research project perhaps for the first time. We will analyze examples of job offers and applications, to identify do’s and don’ts and will learn some basic concepts, vocabulary and techniques to write successful proposals.

Interested participants can follow with a hands-on practice (to be handed out in 1 month and to be corrected and discussed in a one-to-one session).

The course is addressed to BGSMath PhD students, and to other Mathematics PhD students from Barcelona.


Please check all the practical info and register at the website: