Proposal courses: ISCB 2019

Sep 28, 2018

The ISCB 2019 conference will provide a scientific forum for international exchange of theory, methods and applications of clinical biostatistics among biostatisticians, epidemiologists and other medical researchers.

The Scientific Programme Committee and Local Organising Committee for the 40th Annual Conference of the ISCB are pleased to announce that we are seeking proposals for pre-conference courses to be included within the conference programme. The courses will be held on Sunday, July 14, 2019.

If you would like to submit a course for consideration, please submit your proposal on a single A4 page with the following details:
• Title of the course
• Course presenters (maximum of 2)
• Job title and affiliation of course presenters
• Contact details of course presenters including email address
• Full day or half day
• Short abstract of the course, including main topics and learning objectives
• Technical level of the course (low, moderate, high)
• Reason why the course would be appealing to attendees of ISCB conference

Please check also that the course topic has not yet been covered in recent ISCB meetings (see the list enclosed at the end of this new).

Please see website for further conference details

Financial incentives: For successful proposals, the conference budget will cover registration fees, attendance at the conference dinner, the cost of travel (economy flight, at most one overseas), and the cost of two night’s accommodation per course.

Please submit proposals to

Deadline for submissions is 5pm (CEST) on Friday October 26th, 2018

Past Courses

ISCB37, full day:
• An industry approach to Bayesian phase I oncology trials: methodology and implementation
• Demystifying causal inference in randomised trials
• Network meta-analysis for decision-making
• Analysis of single and multi-omic (SNP array, gene expression and methylation) and their integration in disease association studies
ISCB37, half-day:
• Exploratory subgroup analyses in clinical trials
• An introduction to the joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data, with applications in R

ISCB38, full day:
• Causal Questions and Principled Answers: a Guide Through the Landscape for Practising Statisticians
• Advances in Adaptive Clinical Trial Design: Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches
ISCB38, half-day:
• Statistical methods for microbiome studies
• The analysis of recurrent event data in clinical trials
• Age-period-cohort modeling

ISCB39, full day:
• Analysis of multi-state survival data
• Using simulation studies to evaluate statistical methods
ISCB39, half-day:
• Developing R packages
• Multi-arm multi-stage clinical trials
• Fast algorithms and modern visualisations for feature selection
• Practical application of Bayesian approaches to design and analysis of clinical trials