PhD student / Postdoc at Gottingen, Germany

Mar 21, 2019

PhD student OR Postdoc

Fixed-term contract (initially for 3 years), Full-time (Postdoctoral position) or 65% part-time (PhD student position) | Salary according to TV-L

About us

The University Medical Center Göttingen is a tertiary care center and offers great development potential. Its 7,700 employees work in over 65 departments and facilities to provide top-quality patient care, excellent research and modern teaching. Göttingen, “City of Science”, is located near the center of Germany, the University Medical Center Göttingen is embedded in the city’s attractive network of scientific research facilities. Within the Faculty of Medicine and at the ‘Göttingen campus’, the Department of Medical Statistics (Head: Prof. Dr. Tim Friede) offers a statistical advisory service and teaching in the fields of biometric and bioinformatic analysis of clinical and genomic data. Members of the Department also conduct research in the fields of adaptive designs of clinical trials, evidence synthesis, survival analysis and the statistical analysis of high-dimensional data.

For the participation in a methodological project entitled "Frailty modelling for multivariate current status data with applications in epidemiology", which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we are looking for a PhD student or a Postdoctoral researcher.

Current status data are interval-censored time-to-event data and arise, for example, in infectious disease epidemiology, when blood serum residues are tested for the presence of antibodies to one or more infections. Frailty Models are random / mixed-effects models for time-to-event data that can be used to quantify the heterogeneity between individuals with respect to factors that are relevant for the transmission of infectious diseases. The aims of the project are to develop new statistical methods for the analysis of multivariate current status data and to evaluate the new methods using both simulated and real data.


• Development of statistical methodologies in the field of frailty modelling as part of a research project
• Implementation of the new methods in statistical software (preferably in R)
• Publication of the results and their presentation at scientific conferences


• Master degree or PhD in Statistics, Mathematics, Biometry or a related field
• Interest in the development and application of statistical methods in epidemiology
• Very good knowledge in statistical software packages (especially in R)
• High proficiency in English
• High level of motivation, ability to work in a team, proactive personality, scientific curiosity and willingness to learn

We offer diverse possibilities of internal and external professional training.
Women are especially encouraged to apply. Applications with disabilities and equal qualifications will be given preferential consideration.
We are looking forward to receiving your application (including motivation letter, CV, academic transcripts and references) by 30 April 2019 (in PDF by email only).


University Medical Center Göttingen
Department of Medical Statistics
PD Dr. Steffen Unkel, MSc in Statistics (project leader)
Humboldtallee 32
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0) 551 39 4956