PhD positions: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Medical Statistics Department

Nov 22, 2019

The Department of Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is delighted to advertise 10 PhD projects for entry in September 2020. These are funded through the MRC London Intercollegiate Doctoral Training Partnership Studentships and fall under the broad topics of Quantitative Skills for Large Data Sets and Evaluating Complex Interventions. The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is a world-leading centre for research and postgraduate education in public and global health, with 3,900 students and more than 1,000 staff working in over 100 countries. The Department of Medical Statistics is a leading innovative centre for biostatistical methodology relevant to medical research and for broad-based applied research in epidemiology and clinical trials.

The available project titles are given below and the links lead to details about the supervisors and the research. The programme and the environment provides world class integrated skills training and career development opportunities. The funding includes fees, stipend and generous training allowance. Several projects include opportunities to spend time at another institution or with an industry partner.


  1. Double machine learning methods for estimating causal treatment effects on cancer survival outcomes in the presence of high-dimensional confounding
  2. Methods for Addressing Immortal Time Bias: Application to Multiple Primary Melanomas
  3. Insights into liver transplantation and blood transfusion using registry data: statistical methods and applications
  4. Bayesian and probabilistic machine learning approaches for imputing and integrating spatiotemporal mobile phone location data
  5. Measuring and quantifying clustering in population-based cancer survival analyses
  6. Design of clinical trials in genetic frontotemporal dementia
  7. The long-term effects of playing rugby union on the cognitive function, brain health, psychological health, cardiovascular health and musculoskeletal health of former elite rugby union players
  8. The role of the microbiome and epigenetics in asthma phenotypes and asthma control
  9. Improving statistical and machine learning methods for High Dimensional Disease Risk Scoring
  10. Exploring multiple mechanisms of action of complex interventions using trial data and causal inference methods


Potential applicants are invited and strongly encouraged to contact the listed supervisors directly to find out more about specific projects. The deadline for applications is 1st January 2020.


This funding is open to UK and EU applicants and further information on eligibility is available here

Please contact Ruth Keogh (Medical Statistics Research Degrees Coordinator: for general questions about PhD study in the Department of Medical Statistics at LSHTM, including other potential funding opportunities.