PhD: A fully funded PhD studentship at the University of Liverpool

Nov 07, 2019

A fully funded PhD studentship inclusive of stipend at the University of Liverpool

Project title: Atrial fibrillation and cardiovascular risk: Static versus dynamic risk factors and trajectories of risk


Supervisors: Prof Gregory Lip (Price-Evans Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine), Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science & Dr Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona, Department of Biostatistics, University of Liverpool


Project description: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest heart rhythm disorder, and confers a substantial risk of mortality and morbidity from stroke and cardiovascular disorders.  Prior assessments of AF risk have focused on baseline risk factors as predictors of outcomes -  in this project, we propose a programme of work that investigates the dynamic nature of risk factor profiles and changing risk trajectories in AF, as well as the impact of integrated care management of AF.

This funded PhD studentship will use the large CPRD database which contains records of patient contacts with linked data from primary care (general practitioners), secondary care (hospital admissions: inpatient, outpatient and A&E admissions) as well as additional data on mortality and deprivation.  There is an opportunity to join an AF research team that is globally recognised for AF research [].  There may be opportunity to collaborate with other nationwide ‘big data’ cohorts from Denmark and Taiwan.


The successfully appointed student would have a background in Statistics, Data science, Health informatics, or Quantitative epidemiology.  Working alongside others utilising these data the student would be encouraged to develop generic scripts which could be used in a number of research projects including their specific project.  Familiarity with a statistical software such as R would be a major advantage as would an ability to learn to program. 


The Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease and the Department of Biostatistics / Institute Translational Medicine are fully committed to promoting gender equality in all activities. In recruitment we emphasize the supportive nature of the working environment and the flexible family support that the University provides. The Institutes hold a silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of on-going commitment to ensuring that the Athena SWAN principles are embedded in its activities and strategic initiatives.


Funding: This would be a funded PhD studentship (EU rates), and is inclusive of stipend.


To apply: Please send your CV and a covering letter to by 25 November 2019.