GRBIO: Recognized research group by AGAUR (SGR 2021)

Apr 03, 2023

The Government of Catalonia, through the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR, according to its acronym in Catalan), has recognized and funded our research group GRBIO in the call SGR-Cat 2021. This is the third time that GRBIO is granted (2021-SGR-01421, 2017-SGR-622, and 2014-SGR-464)

GRBIO has granted with €40,000 to support our scientific research activity from 2022 to 2024. Twenty-eight members form the research group in this call, divided in:

  • 3 Professors (2 UPC + 1 UB)
  • 10 Associate Professors (8 UB + 2 UPC)
  • 5 Lectures Professors (4 UPC + 1 UB)
  • 1 Emeritus Professor (UB)
  • 4 Researchers (2 IDIBELL + 1 VHIR + 1 FLS)
  • 5 PhD students (3 UB + 1 UPC  +  1 Victoria University of Wellington)

 The document with the call resolution can be found here.