Fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics in ICT at DTIC-UPF

May 03, 2019

The aim of the new Fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics in ICT  group is to stimulate the debate related to FATE in ICT within the UPF, and in particular the DTIC community.

In the first iteration (Spring/Summer 2019), we have invited five speakers who will present how in different fields the use of “intelligent systems” are already impacting our society.  


- 23/05: Automation of personal data and consumer law enforcement using AI. Francesca Lagioia. Researcher at the Law Department of the European University Institute (EUI)

- 31/05: Human behaviour and machine intelligence. Emilia Gomez. ead scientist of the HUMAINT project at the Centre for Advanced Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, and head of the MIR (Music Information Research) lab at DTIC-UPF.

- 06/05: Machine Learning and Justice. (also part of DTIC-UPF Integrative Seminar Series). Ricardo Baeza-Yates, CTO of NTENT, and Professor and founder of the Web Science and Social Computing Research Group at DTIC-UPF

- 12/06: Profiling and automated decision making under the General Data Protection Regulation. Antoni Rubí-Puig. Associate Professor in Civil Law and Associate Director for Research at the Law Department at UPF.

- 19/06: Impact of machine intelligence in healthcare. Sergio Sánchez-Martínez. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)