Curs: Deep Learning aplicado al campo biomédico

Jul 20, 2018

Today, the end of Moores law has allowed to resurg neural networks models as an substantial part of Artificial intelligence. Deep learning as one of the main Machine learning fields, is revolutionizing all areas and applications of Artificial intelligence: vision, speech, language understanding, etc. It promises to help with the grand challenges facing our society: health, smart city, multimedia, etc. Deep learning today allows self-driving cars and drones, drug discovery, natural language understanding, graphics design, etc. In this talk, we will explore the basics of Deep learning specially focusing on Convolutional Neural Networks and will discuss different applications to Computer Vision problems like object/image detection, recognition and segmentation applied to Biomedicine.

Who: Dra Petia Radeva(Dept. Mathematics and Computer Science. Facultad de Matemáticas e Informática. UB)

When: 12/07/2018 de 16 a 18h (aprox)

Where: Facultat de Biologia Aula 18, edifici Aulari, Universitat de Barcelona (Avda. Diagonal, 643, 08028 Barcelona)