Pablo Flores


Pablo Flore Muñoz

PhD Student in Bioinformatics 

Statistics and Operations Research (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)



I obtained my degree in computer statistic at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo ESPOCH (Riobamba, Ecuador) in April 2012. Later, I obtained my Master’s degree in Statistic and Operations Research in an interuniversity program by the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH (UPC), in June 2017. My master thesis was titled “An irrelevance pretest of variances in the comparison of means” supervised by Prof. Jordi Ocaña.

Since September 2018, I am PhD student in the Bioinformatics Doctorate Program, under the supervision of Prof. Alex Sánchez and Jordi Ocaña. My research is focused on the development of theories and computer packages to study genetic databases that allow inference based on distances between annotation profiles.

Research areas

Genetic databases

Annotation Profiles

Gene Ontology



MSc in Statistics and Operations Research, UPC, June 2017

Engineer in Computer Statistic, ESPOCH, April 2012



Simulation. Degree in Computer Statistic, ESPOCH

Stochastic Processes. Degree in Computer Statistic, ESPOCH

Probability. Degree in Computer Statistic, ESPOCH

Inferential Statistic. Degree in Computer Statistic, ESPOCH