Guadalupe Gómez Melis
Guadalupe Gómez Melis
Statistics and Operations Research (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH)
Guadalupe Gómez Melis is Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Member of the UPC Ethics Committee, President of the Consell Català d’Estadística, Past-Elected European Representative of Caucus for Women in Statistics, Past-Council Elected Member of International Biometric Society, Past-Member Expert Committee of the Acción Matemática contra el coronavirus del Comité Española de Matemáticas. Former Vice-Dean in the School of Mathematic and Statistics, coordinator of the Master in Statistics and Operations Research UPC-UB, Coordinator of the Interuniversity Doctorate in Bioinformatics and Coordinator of the Doctorate in Statistics and Operations Research.
Guadalupe Gómez Melis graduated in Mathematics at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Her scientific career started in the Statistics Department of Columbia University, NY, where under the direction of Prof. John Van Ryzin, obtained her PhD. After a short stay as Assistant Professor in the Statistics Department at Ohio State University, she joined the Statistics and Operations Research Department at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH (UPC) where she became Full Professor in 2005. She has been visiting scientist, among others, at: Biostatistics Department at Harvard University, Boston (USA) where she collaborated with Prof. Steve Lagakos; Short Term Research Collaborator at Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) collaborating with Dr. Ronald Geskus and MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), the University of Texas, Houston (USA) where she collaborated with Prof. Yu Shen.
Her research commitment has always been combined with a determined leadership and service. Under her leadership the Research Group in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (GRBIO) (SGR2014-464, SGR2017-622, SGR2021-01421) emerged. GRBIO addresses challenging problems raised in Life and Health Sciences in the frontier of both disciplines. She has been the PI of more than 20 funded projects of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación since 1992. In our last funded project Statistics for Health Sciences: Advances in Survival Analysis, Clinical Trials, and Statistical Modelling (SAFARI) PID2023-148033OB-C21) Prof. Klaus Langohr is the PI, and she is acting as co-PI.
Her main research interests are in developing methods for Survival Analysis and Clinical Trials, with an unequivocal interdisciplinary flavor, focusing especially on cancer, HIV-AIDS and on Influenza and COVID-19, as well as Liquid
Chromatography. She has collaborated with more than 50 researchers and publishes in high impact journals such as Statistics in Medicine, Biostatistics, Biometrika, Biometrics, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, European Journal of Cancer, Frontiers Immunology, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology .
She is member of several scientific societies: Catalan Statistical Society, Spanish Region of the International Biometric Society, BiostatNet-Spanish National Network in Biostatistics. She was former President of the Catalan Statistical Society and of the Spanish Region of the International Biometric Society.
Main Research Lines:
Survival Analysis
- Interval Censoring
- Complex Censoring Patterns
- Multi-State Models
- Second Order Markov processes
- Goodness-of-fit
- Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data
Clinical Trials
- Composite endpoints
- Multiple endpoints
Statistics applied to Basic and Clinical Research of AIDS
Statistics applied to Influenza and COVID-19
Publication links: ORCID, ResearcherID, LINKEDIN, SCOPUS, GScholar
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Barcelona University, December 1986
Ph.D. in Statistics, Columbia University, New York, United States, May 1986
Master of Philosophy in Statistics, Columbia University, New York, United States, January 1985
Master of Arts in Statistics, Columbia University, New York, United States, May 1983
BSc (Llicenciatura) in Mathematics, Barcelona University, June 1979
Life Time Data Analysis. Master in Statistics and Operations Research UPC-UB
Advanced topics in Survival Analysis. Master in Statistics and Operations Research UPC-UB
Advanced Statistical Inference. Master in Statistics and Operations Research UPC-UB
Introduction to Statistical Inference. Bachelor in Statistics UB-UPC
Supervision of PhD students (and their current job position)
Yovaninna Alarcón-Soto (2021). Co-adv: K. Langohr (UPC). “Data Science in HIV. Statistical approaches for therapeutic HIV vaccine data”. Statistician at Fundació Lluita contra les Infeccions
Marta Bofill Roig (2020). “Statistical methods and software for clinical trials with binary and survival endpoints. Efficiency, sample size and two sample comparison”. Extraordinary Prize for her PhD. Serra Hunter Lector (Assistant) Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH
Melissa Sharp (2020). Co-adv: D. Hren (Univ. Split). “The use of reporting guidelines as an educational intervention for teaching research methods and writing”. Postdoctoral fellow at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Moisés Gómez (2016). Co-adv: U.Dafni (Athens University). “Composite endpoints in clinical trials. Computational tools, practical guidelines and methodological extensions”. High- School teacher at Institut Thos i Codina
Lucas Lopez (2014). Co-adv: A. Espinal (UAB). “Survival Data Analysis wiith Heavy-Censoring and Long-Term Survivors”. Profesor Investigador asociado at Universidad Juarez Autónoma de tabasco, México
Nuria Pérez-Álvarez (2014). Co-adv: R. Paredes (IRSI-Caixa and UAB). “Economic evaluation in health research: cohort simultation and applications”. Lecturer (Assistant) Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH
Nuria Porta (2010). Co-adv: M.Luz Calle (U. Vic). “Interval censored semicompeting risks data: a novel approach for modelling bladder cancer”. Senior Medical Statistician at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK
Rosa Sobradelo (2011). Co-adv: J. Martí (Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC). “Statistical methods applied to volcanology and volcanic hazard assessment “. Senior Research Manager, Willis Research Network, Willis Towers Watson, London, UK
Jaime A Huertas (2011). Co-adv: C. Serrat (UPC). “Joint Modeling of Two Sequential Times to Event With Longitudinal Information”. Associate Professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
Ramon Oller i Piqué (2006). “Survival analysis issues with interval censored data”. Associate Professor University at Vic - Central University of Catalunya
Klaus Langohr (2004). “Regression Models with an Interval Censored Covariate”. Associate Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH
Rebekka Topp (2002). Co-adv: Professor S. Schach (University Dortmund, Germany). “Regression and Residual Analysis with Interval--Censored Data”. Research Associate, Chair of Marketing and Consumer Research, Technical University of Munich
Carles Serrat Piè (2001). “Study and Validation of Data Structures with Missing Values. Application to Survival Analysis”. Associate Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH
Maria Luz Calle Rosingana. (1997) “The Analysis of Interval-Censored Survival Data. From a Nonparametric Perspective to a Nonparametric Bayesian Approach”. Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, University of Vic - Central University of Cataluny
Current editorial
Executive Editor of SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions)
Associate Editor of Statistical Modelling.
Associate Editor of Statistics in Biosciences Journal of the International Chinese Statistical Association
Last Update: November 2020