David Blanco


David Blanco de Tena-Dávila

PhD Student

Statistics and Operations Research (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH)




2009-2013              BSc in Mathematics

Madrid (Spain)          Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


2013-2014              Master Program in Mathematics and Applications

Madrid (Spain)          Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


2004-2011              Diploma in Music (speciality in Piano)

Madrid (Spain)          Conservatorio Profesional Arturo Soria


Languages :       Spanish: Native language

                             English: Fluent. TOEFL (iBT) score: 94 (December 2014)

                             German: B1 (Verbund für Sprachenangelegenheiten der Hochschulen Stuttgarts)

                             French: Elementary level

                             Catalan: A2 (Servei de Llengües i Terminologia Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)



I am currently doing my PhD within the Methods in Research on Research (MiRoR) project, funded by Marie Curie Actions (http://miror-ejd.eu/). Our team consists of 15 students working from different perspectives on how to reduce waste in research and increase research value, as well as a number of senior researchers with expertise on meta-research, and several partner institutions. Our projects cover different areas of meta-research, such as methods of research, reporting of research, and evaluation of research.

My PhD project is focused on what actions can be taken to improve adherence to reporting guidelines. Reporting guidelines are sets of recommendations aiming to help authors report research methods and findings (http://www.equator-network.org/). Despite the improvements in reporting quality that have been shown when using some reporting guidelines, adherence to them is still suboptimal. It is therefore warranted to develop strategies to turn around this situation. Boosting the quality of reporting of studies in health research will enhance reproducibility and reduce waste.

A part from this, I am involved in the GRBio (Research Group in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics) UPC-UB group (http://grbio.eu).


2017      Blanco, D., Kirkham, J., Altman, D. G., Moher, D., Boutron, I., and Cobo, E. Interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines in health research: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open. Accepted for publication. 

In the web:

MiRoR Project website: http://miror-ejd.eu/

Publons: https://publons.com/author/1186129/david-blanco-de-tena-davila#profile

Twitter: https://twitter.com/