Arnau García Fernández


Arnau García Fernández

Master student

Statistics and Operations Research (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH)



I graduated in Mathematics at the Universitat de Barcelona, and I am currently a Master's degree in Statistics and Operations Research (MESIO UPC-UB) student. I work as an Intern Researcher in the Statistics and Operations Research Department at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), supported by a Iniciació a la Recerca (INIREC) grant. Furthermore, I am doing the Master's final thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Dimitris Rizopoulos (Erasmus University Medical Center) and Prof. Guadalupe Gómez (UPC).

Main Research Lines:

  • Joint Modeling
  • Survival Analysis
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis 

Publication links